Class-based generic views

Many of Django‘s class-based generic views can be used with SQLAlchemy without modification. For those that don’t, Tincture attempts to provide substitutions.

The APIs of Tincture’s generic views differ slightly from Django‘s, where appropriate. For example, many of the views have a session attribute that holds a SQLAlchemy Session object.

Simple Usage

Say you have the following SQLAlchemy model:

# some_app/
from sqlalchemy.orm import Column, Integer, String

class Person(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'people'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)

You could create a list view for Person objects much the same way as with Django’s ListView, with the addition of the session attribute:

# some_app/
from tincture.views.generic import ListView
from some_app.models import Person

# Assuming you have a db module with a session atrribute:
import db

class PersonListView(ListView):
    session = db.session
    model = Person


The session object can’t be obtained automatically, so it must be provided or ImproperlyConfigured will be raised when the view tries to retrieve any model objects.

PersonListView could then be added to your urlconf like any other class-based view:

# some_project/
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url, include
from some_app.views import PersonListView

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^people/$', PersonListView.as_view()),

Project Versions

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